Tuesday, July 12, 2011

tummy tuesday

Well, there is more foods drama at our house.  Mama was gradually switching us back to our old foods and Kit started yakking again as soon as she introduced efun a little bit of the old foods.  So now she is pretty sure that he is allergic to grain because he was doing so well on the grain free food and as soon as she starts switching us back he starts yakking again.

Kit's poor tummy!

So, mama is not sure what to do.  She put us right back on the grain free food to see if Kit will stop yakking.  He has to go to the v-e-t on Friday to get his blood work redone to see how he's doing on the thyroid medicine, and they will weigh him then.  If he's gained weight, she is going to keep us on the grain free.  If he's lost weight or hasn't gained, she doesn't know what she will do because it seems like the old food makes him yak, efun though he likes it better.  Maybe we will just haf to haf a cat who yaks, if it means he is eating and gaining weight like he needs to.  I feel sorry for Kit -- yakking is no fun.  I also feel sorry for me -- I want the old food back!  Mama reminded me that I haf to lose weight anyway.  Hmph.


Daisy said...

Oh gosh, sometimes it is very hard to find just the right food that you both like and doesn't cause any bomiting!

Fuzzy Tales said...

It can be very hard to find a food that suits all and your mom might just have to feed you different foods separately. Nicki needs some grain in his diet, otherwise he gets yucky diarrhea. Gross. Derry can do grain-free -- too much fibre and he gets constipated. And when Annie was with us, she had different needs too.

Good luck getting it all sorted out!

Photo Cache said...

we will purr especially hard for Kit. hope the vet will figure out what is wrong. yakking is no fun. when emma does that occasionally mama watches in pain.



Oh dear poor Kit we will continue to believe your poor Mom will be able to find a combination of foods that both of you like and work well for you.


Admiral Hestorb said...

oh poor Kit and you and your mommy. I have hyperthyropidism and I do well with my gel pen med.

I hope he feels 100% better quickly. kisses to him and you, pretty girl.

Mickey's Musings said...

We send BIG purrs that you find a food that does not make Kit sick and everycat likes!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Ivan from WMD said...

As I always say, Yak happens.

But really I mean just furballs, cat grass or wolfed-up food. I hope Kit feels better!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh dear what a dilemma. We hope that you all find something you like!

The Whiskeratti said...

Food is the most frustrating feline health issue out there. We do grain free but Toby does go through yakking periods.

The Island Cats said...

Oh we sure hope you can figure something out for poor Kit so he doesn't yak so much.

Willow said...

This must be so frustrating for all of you to have another food problem. There are some cats in the blogosphere who eat a raw food diet maybe this might be a way so Kit does not yak and gain weight? Purring for a solution soon.

Clooney said...

Oh folks, we hopes you can find a food that you both like and that Kit does well on. Purring for Kit to feel better, have good digestion and put on some weight.

Gigi said...

Aw, poor Kit-Kat! I hope your Mommeh and the v-e-t can find the right combinations of foods that efurrykitty likes and that Kit does not bomit up--it's hard to gain weight when you're bomitting! The Humans do have the Big Brains though, so they'll probably figure it out soon.

Purrs to all.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Precious has a sensitive tummy and sumtimes has to take Raglan. it helps! Ask your vet. Good luck!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I wish I had an answer for Kit's dilemma - I few really bad for him. Puking is so not fun!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I am sorry! I understand how you feel! Sandusky here has to have a special diet cause of uninary track blockages! I likes his food and won't eats any other. But he hates his food and wants what Jazzie and Spooky eats!

Kwee Cats said...

Athena, we are so sorry. We can tell, gosh you sound so unhappy. Its going to be okay, pretty girl. Its so hard finging one thing that works for everybody. Hugs and nosebumps. xxoxxo

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1's first Aby, Ikkyu, yakked all his life and was the healthiest cat she had to date! So, the vet will have to tell you what's working.

BTW, have you tried Orijen? All of us really like it and it is grain-free.

The Chans

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I yakked up grain-free chicken yesserday. Nothing's puurfect.


Mr Puddy said...

I think I agree with Spitty, Talks to VET is the best option.
Purrs for my little buddy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I agree with Spitty and Puddy!

The vet is the one to talk to!