Monday, July 18, 2011

mancat monday

Hi fellow cats -- Kit here.  I got the results of my thyroid test back -- now I am a point below normal!  So we are going to keep my on my chewy medicine treat and test me again in three months.  The medicine is working!  Maybe almost too well -- mom has to keep an eye on me to make sure I do not become lethargic or lose my appetite.

Speaking of appetite -- I didn't like the special digestive food the v-e-t suggested.  We are going back to grain free.  Some of you suggested a nutritional paste supplement.  Mom got nutrical and we tried it tonight -- I wouldn't eat it.  She is going to get the GNC brand tomorrow to see if I will eat that.  It is supposed to be tasty chicken flavored, which is one of my favorites.  Mom is not giving up!  There has to be a food out there that I will like that will not make me yak.  She will find it!


Brian's Home Blog said...

I know your Mom will find it...she's on a mission!

JC said...

I hope you start eating soon.

Summer at said...

I didn't know GNC had nutrition supplement paste for us kitties! My human wants to go check it out - she is always worried that I am not eating enough because I am so picky.

Cara n Crew said...

Kit, I have a sensitive tummy too and gave my mom a hard time of it when she had to figure my diet out. Your mom will find something. Glad to hear you medicine treats are working!


Mr Puddy said...

Kit, You will be o.k. , I still purrs for you and you know that, Eat up my little friend.

Kismet said...

You will find some foods that you like, Kit! It is very mancatly to blow chunks until your person finds the right one, though. I salute you!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Thank goodness your mom is persistent! We are still purring fur you. Sometimes these things takes months and months to settle down. Princess did. Have faith. Purrs.

Willow said...

Kit a Mom on a mission is a sight to see and she will find you something that is going to work.

Team Tabby said...

We sure hope you will like the new food, Kit. Yum, chicken flavor sounds wonderful.

Thanks for your good wishes for Cookie.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are glad your thyroid levels are good! That is happy news. Now for some good food...

Gigi said...

Let me whisper s special word into your Mancatly ear, Kit: Gerbers. Mmmmm. Turkey, chick-hen, HAMS. Delishus.

In other news: My Human is going to see Deathy Hallows Pt II tomorrow. Has your Mommie seen it yet???

Kwee Cats said...

We know she will! She's a mom on a mission! Yea, for the good report! We are so glad the medicine is working. Just keep hanging in there Kit!

We'll see you later!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We haf decided that eating good stuff is good, but what tastes good is better! But TBT is not agreein with us!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Kit, did the vet want to lower (slightly) your methimazole dose? With Annie, the vet always aimed for the mid-range of normal. Your dose *could* be a bit too high for you.

Good luck to your mom finding a food that works well for you -- it can be a long and frustrating process, unfortunately.

Purrs and kitty kisses.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope your mom finds a food you like - we are very fussy eaters too and mum says she hopes you are not as nit picky as we are!! She says good luck to your mom.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

my mommy has to take me for a quarterly blood test check to make sure I am in the normal range. There was some initial adjustment when I first started the methemazole..first 4 weeks needed a weekly visit.

Katnip Lounge said...

Kit, Mommy had to smear the nutrical on my paw to get me to eat it...but it did get some calories into me when I was being picky-sicky.

xx KonaKitty

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Purring you eat again properly soon. Everyone purred hard for me and it worked I hope it does for you too.. Hugs GJ xx


We know that your Mom will!
And we will keep purring for you!

Photo Cache said...

we are glad to hear the somewhat good results. and we are continuously purring that your mom will find food that you;ll enjoy and will not make you yak.

Emma and Buster

Ivan from WMD said...

Excellent news, Kit!

Ellen Whyte said...

Great news and we hope you find something nice you like soon.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We do hope that the chicken favored will not make you yak! We will be purring and praying for you!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We want to be sure and thank you for leaving kind words upon Jack's passing over the Rainbow Bridge. Our cat and cat-loving friends are helping us immensely in recovering from the loss. Baby has deeply grieved, but is doing much better with right attention and love.

Clooney said...

Kit, we are so happy that the medicine is working for you and will continue to purr for you to keep feeling better and better and to find a food that you like and that does well with your tummy. We use NaturVet hairball aid and it is the only one that my Human says all her kitties have liked. They make other things and we thought they might have a vitamin/high calorie product? NaturVet is made in the US.

The Crew said...

Why not try that Nutro Max we talked about? All 7 of us eat it and we like it. It's grain free and comes in dry kibbles or stinky goodness in a can.

Jacki said...

Help - my kitty is new to this and I so afraid of the medications - can someone explain what is best for her?

Athena said...

Hi Jacki, I hope you see this comment -- I don't know how to contact you. There's no reason to be afraid. Kit is doing very well on the medication. He's been on it for about six weeks now and has gained a significant amount of weight, and his thyroid levels are good. His medicine is compounded in the form of a treat, so I don't have to give him a pill -- I would ask your vet if this is an option, as most cats hate pills. Really though, don't be scared. Your cat should do very well on the medicine.